I, the undersigned Mr. MOHAMED TAHIROU DIALLO, Director of
the Engineering Departments Group of the Bauxites Company
(Guinea), attests by the present that the FOUDRE-PROTEC company carried out a diagnostic and complete lightning protection
engineering covering all the electrical installations, data processing,
telephone, radio, electronic, railway signalling and structures of the
different sites: mine and Sangarédi city, railway, plant and Kamsar
Moreover, the representative of the company Mr. LEJOP trained a
team of engineers and technicians who now ensure the expertise and
the follow-up of work.
I confirm that the result of this work led us to spend one complete
rainy season without major damage or operating loss.
N B : during the previous years, the CBG experienced costs up to
several tens of thousands dollars due to damages caused by lightning
strokes on its installations ;
Work was completed according to good practice rules and meeting
with our total approval.
In witness whereof, the present certificate is delivered with all
advantages thereto pertaining.
Kansar, April 14th 2004